
Industrial Computer, Non-Display, 128GB

Industrial Computer, Non-Display, 128GB SSD, Dual Port Ethernet, Windows 7 Professional SP1 (64-bit), Dual Display Output, No Pre-Installed Software, 24 VDC

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Non-Returnable Product
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Technische specificatie
Number of HW-interfaces industrial Ethernet2
Number of HW-interfaces RS-2321
Number of HW-interfaces USB3
Number of other free slots0
Operation temperature0...50 °C
Preinstalled operating systemWindows 7
Supply voltage DC12...24 V
Voltage type of supply voltageDC
Kenmerken en voordelen
  • The VersaView 5400 compact non-display computers offer a small footprint, dual video output, and a light-weight, fanless design. With the same performance as the integrated display computers and the flexibility to load a variety of software applications, the non-display computers are well-suited for many applications. In addition, they provide multiple mounting options, including DIN Rail.

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